Tipo was kept in a rabbit cage with eight other pigs
of mixed sexes. She had a slight Fungal Infection problem, mites and Vit C deficiency
as did all her cage mates. This was quickly cleared up and and she went from strength to strength. Tipo and her daughter
Pippa are now happily rehomed.

Tipo a few weeks after arriving at the rescue and almost ready to go to her new home. Which
just goes to show that piggies need very little to keep them happy and healthy. A good diet and plenty of straw/hay for bedding
and not overcrowding them and you have a happy healthy piggy.

This is just a few of the wounds on Panda Pig. He has many more due to scratching as he was
so badly infested with mites, he also had the start of Fungal Infection. He was fitting badly when he came into the rescue
and needed strong medication to stop the fits and itching.

Three weeks later and Panda Pig is looking much better. Won't be long until he can be rehomed.
Just a little TLC can achieve amazing results.

This little sow came in with really bad fungal Infection and mites. She was in a lot of pain,
fitting badly and very depressed. 3 weeks later after intensive treatment she is starting to improve. The hair is growng back
but it will take several weeks for her to be back to her full glory. Watch this space for updates.

This is her 3 weeks later, who could resist that little face? We have decided to call her
Whimsie and she will be kept at the rescue as a Sponsor pig, unless a very special knowledgable home can be found for her.
I am hopeful of a full recovery for her but like all badly, fungally infected pigs, they can suffer from flare ups and odd
symptoms at any time.

This little girl is around 4 months old and has had a litter of stillborn babies. She
has been left with a calcium and Vit C deficiency. We have decided to call her Merry as it is so close to Christmas and she
is a happy little one despite not being able to use her back legs. She is being syringe fed as she is too weak to eat enough
on her own. We are hoping to see a big difference in Merry in the next couple of weeks. The pic shows how wasted her backend
is. 11/12/05

This is Merry one week on, she has gained 4 ounces and is having physio to strengthen her
back legs. Instead of pulling herself along and sort of shuffling her back legs she is now actually walking...very wobbly
but walking. We are still restricting her movements as we do not want any strains or sprains at this point as it would set
her back quite a while.20/12/05