Harry with his new friend Peanut.

Ringo with his new pal Elvis (white piggy).

Rusty is the latest pig to join Jenny and Ian's family. Here you can see him with Elvis and

Sugar (Abby) with her new friend Gorbag.

Seamus enjoying a feed in his new home with his new pal Shylo looking on.

The famous Titch aka Sweetie Pig has settled very well into his new home and keeps his new
slave on her toes.

Ziggy who lives with Titch and is a constant joy to his new mum.

Best Pals Ziggy and Titch!

Quin (right) in her new home with friend Ruby.

Pooh and Piglet at bathtime in their new home.

Bonnie (left) with her new best pal Bramble. Bramble was born at Thistle Cavies and is sister
to Seamus.

Whimsie happily settled in her new home, looking very regal.

Hector (Himmy) and Ritz enjoying playtime in their new home.
Maisie, (formerly Hermione) proud and happy to be a 'Gorgeous Guinea'.

Best of pals, Smudge and Midge enjoying some laptime.
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